IFOMPT Learning Zone


About the Webinar


By the end of this session participant will be able to:

  • Illustrate a Living Evidence Schema a new pathway
  • Compare their practice pattern 
  • Advocate for clinical and research performance

Webinar Details

  • Pre-recorded webinar

  • 1 hour in length

  • Unlimited access after purchase


Associate Clinical Professor at McMaster University Anita Gross

• Anita Gross is a clinician-scientist and an educator. She is an orthopaedic manipulative physical therapist (OMPT). She received a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy (1984) from the University of Toronto, a Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy (1987) from Curtain University (Australia), a certificate in Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapy (1990) from Orthopaedic Division CPA, a Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT, 1990), a Masters in Design, Measurement and Evaluation from McMaster University (1994), and the Lifetime Membership Award (2019) from CAMPT. She is an Associate Clinical Professor at McMaster University, the coordinator of the OMPT field of study in Rehabilitation Sciences at McMaster University. She is also a lecturer at Western and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association –Orthopaedic Division. Her research focus is on Neck Pain and TMJ. She coordinates the Cervical Overview Group, a research Network that conducts and maintains Cochrane systematic reviews on neck pain. She has 120 peer reviewed publications, has been Principal/co-investigator on 30 grants and has been an invited speaker at 20 international conferences. She is the chair of the IFOMPT Task Force on Manipulation in Pediatrics. She was a member of the international consensus panel for a TMJ Delphi study and the APTA Neck Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines 2017 update. Her clinical work focuses on the TMJ, neck and spine care.