IFOMPT Learning Zone


About the Webinar

Symptoms of headache, dizziness, visual disturbances and neck pain are common post concussion and can be vestibular, physiological, ocular or cervical in nature. The role of the musculoskeletal physiotherapist is to perform a skilled examination to determine whether or not the cervical spine is implicated in any of the symptoms.    They should also have sufficient skill and knowledge of evidenced based assessments that can be used to screen for vestibular, ocular and physiological deficits post concussion in order to identify the potential systems involved in the production of the symptoms. This will assist directions for appropriate further assessment and management or prompt referral to other professionals for if required.  An integrated and co-ordinated approach is often necessary.  Further the cervical spine potentially has a primary and secondary prevention role for concussion with emphasis on specific and relevant rehabilitation of the cervical spine musculature.

Webinar Details

  • Pre-recorded webinar

  • 1 hour in length

  • Unlimited access after purchase


Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Queensland Julia Treleaven

Julia is a Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Queensland. She has been researching whiplash and neck pain since 2000 and in 2004 completed her PhD focusing on the necks influence on sensorimotor control. She has continued her research in this area now is also looking at the role of neck dysfunction in those with headache, dizziness and post concussion due to concomitant whiplash-type injury. She has over 100 publications in this area, written several book chapters and is an author of the recent book “Management of neck disorders- an evidenced based approach”. Julia works part-time as a physiotherapist in a private practice managing patients such as those with, whiplash, cervicogenic dizziness and post concussion syndrome and been involved as a clinician on several whiplash RCTs. Julia is also an assessor at the Whiplash Physical Diagnostic Clinic. Julia has been an invited speaker at many national and international conferences and workshops in the area of neck pain, whiplash, concussion and dizziness.