IFOMPT Learning Zone


About the Webinar

Pain Neuroscience Education teaches us that pain comes from the brain, and that pain and injury (tissue damage) are not synonymous. If pain comes from the brain, then why do manual therapy? Doesn’t manual therapy foster dependence upon the provider? Doesn’t it focus on anatomical issues, i.e. the tissues? Can pain neuroscience and manual therapy co-exist? Can manual therapy be a way to give the brain and helping hand?

In this webinar, Dr. Louie Puentedura will lead these discussions and provide an evidence-informed rationale for merging manual therapy and pain neuroscience education.

Webinar Details

  • Pre-recorded webinar

  • 1 hour in length

  • Unlimited access after purchase


Professor, Baylor DPT Louie Puentedura

Louie Puentedura is full time faculty in the Baylor University Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Dr. Puentedura is a seasoned clinician, he completed a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy (1980) and a Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy (1983) from La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Since arriving in the USA, he completed a post-professional Doctorate in Physical Therapy (2005) at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, and a PhD in Physical Therapy (2011) at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Puentedura has been an ABPTS board-certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist and a Fellow in the American Academy of Orthopaedic and Manual Physical Therapists for over three decades. He completed 10 years on faculty as Assistant and then Associate Professor of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas before moving on to Professor at Baylor DPT. Dr. Puentedura has taught physical therapists and physical therapy students for more than 35 years and has published more than 80 scientific papers since 2010. He will present 2 focused symposia at IFOMPT 2020 in Melbourne along with international colleagues. Dr. Puentedura has received several awards including the Rose Excellence in Research Award from the Orthopedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association, the John Medeiros Award from the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, and presentation awards at the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conferences in 2012 and 2016. Follow Dr. Puentedura on Twitter @AussieLouie and Instagram @LouiePuentedura as well as other social media.